Well, after a nice run with our WordPress blog, we're back to the ol' BlogSpot/Blogger. Feels sort of like putting on an old favorite shirt you just rediscovered in a box of old clothes, only without the funky smell clothes get when they've been in storage for a while.
So last year, as you probably already know if you're visiting our site, we released a new CD, christmastime, which we'd talked about for many years prior and finally got around to actually doing. It was a whole lot of fun to finally get that recorded and released. It was a really different and interesting (to us, at least) process than our previous CDs, which were pretty much all original CST songs. We really enjoyed taking some very traditional, well-known songs and trying to find creative ways in which to make them distinctively CST-ified. And, you know, we think it came out pretty well.
We're already kicking around various ideas for our next studio project. In 2014, though, we'll be trying to get out and play more shows again (2013 was pretty quiet in that regard). We'll likely hit a few of our favorite venues, but we'll also be looking to explore new territory and play some new-to-us venues as well.
And finally, as you may have already discovered, we've new Internet digs! An unfortunate server crash sent our previous site into the oblivion (sad), so now we have a new site. And it's a lovely site, indeed. Please, peruse it, click on stuff (particularly the various links, as you'll find them more responsive to your clicks than things that aren't links), and do be sure to enjoy yourself.
Thanks for listening, folks!
Matt & Charlie